More than half of the world’s population lives in megacities, and the volume of development is increasing every year. By 2030, the construction market will grow by 85% to $15.5 trillion.
In Russia, according to Rosstat, the volume of construction has increased by 8% over the past year. At the same time, the plan is to improve the living conditions of at least 5 million families annually and introduce at least 120 million square meters. m of real estate.
At such a pace of development, construction needs automation. It is no coincidence that it was included in the top 5 priority sectors of Russia for the introduction of AI. The emergence of IT solutions for construction is a market necessity, because digitalization helps to save resources, money and time, make cities more comfortable and preserve nature. Example: domestic solutions for the “smart” operation of buildings Exploit-IT, “Albacore” from the group of companies “Amethyst Group”. They allow you to automatically control engineering systems and thereby use 20% less energy resources and reduce the carbon footprint. It is difficult to imagine, but thanks to the translation of all documentation into electronic form, up to 50-60 million trees can be saved annually.