
What are the merits in medicine Alexander Bakulev

Surgeons have long dreamed of heart operations, to eliminate vices in it. But is it possible?- They asked themselves a question.

The answer was given in 1948. Then for the first time in our country, an operation was performed regarding innate heart disease – not a 15 -year -old girl’s bell of the duct. This operation was done by Alexander Nikolaevich Bakulev.

The illustrious surgeon did not immediately decide on her. He performed this operation on animals many times, expected each movement, tried to foresee all possible complications.

A. N. Bakulev knew what responsibility he took on, deciding to operate the girl. But the scientist had vast experience, confidence in the need for operation. He understood that the operation was the only chance to save the girl, he knew that children with such congenital heart defect were doomed to death, if not in early childhood, then in his youth.

The brilliant outcome of this operation was the true triumph of Alexander Nikolaevich, a large day of cardiac surgery. Now such operations are performed in large hospitals of a number of republics and regions of the country.

What are the merits in medicine Alexander Nikolayevich Bakulev

The first operation, for the first time… Speaking about the labor path of Alexander Nikolayevich Bakulev, you often have to use the word “for the first time” – it is characteristic of him, who became an academician.

He was the first in the USSR in 1924 to use pneumoencephalography – a method of research. For the first time, they described such a disease as the obstruction of the duodenum, and a surgical method of treatment was proposed. Alexander Nikolaevich conducted an operation to remove the affected by the disease. He also owns the initiative to create modern devices for suturing the root of the lung.

With enthusiasm is engaged in A. N. Bakulev Development of Methods and Technique of Heart and Vessels.

Back in 1930, Alexander Nikolaevich successfully removed the mediastinum tumor, and in 1932 he performed an operation over the so -called “shell heart” (sticky pericarditis). With this disease, an inflamed heart shell, thickened, forms adhesions that firmly connect it to the heart muscle. The heart is as if chained in a dense shell, and only a surgeon knife can bring salvation to a person.

New methods demanded the creation of new types of anesthesia. A. N. Bakulev begins to study and introduce endotracheal anesthesia, without which the development of cardiac surgery is unthinkable.

What are the merits in medicine Alexander Nikolayevich Bakulev

The practice of the first years of the war has proved the correctness of its methods of treating gunshot wounds. He put forward a bold proposal of radical wounds at that time with the subsequent imposition of a dull seam. This proposal did not immediately find recognition, but already in 1944 it was included in the instructions for military field surgery.

Of course, Alexander Nikolaevich Bakulev in all his work, first of all, relied on extensive experience accumulated by medical science.

So, and the solution of the seemingly purely surgical problems, he attracts physiology. The innovator, a person who goes with non -fed roads, the scientist supports the undertakings of young specialists, shares his rich experience, knowledge, skill with students. And his skill is truly universal: there is probably no such area of ​​the human body into which his scalpel would not penetrate.

Professor Bakulev is also known as a wonderful teacher. His lectures, clinical clinics enriched students and doctors not only with deep scientific and practical knowledge, but also brought up a sense of love for a sick person and great responsibility in front of him.

“Whoever you are,” said A. N. Bakulev young graduates, but since you received a medical diploma, work as a practical doctor. Go on the challenges, reflect on the patient’s bed at home, in the emergency room, in the hospital room… “.

A characteristic and wonderful feature of Alexander Nikolayevich is his constant desire to convey the achievement of science to wide medical practice. He created a well -known not only in our country, but also outside its borders, a school of surgeons.

What are the merits in medicine Alexander Nikolayevich Bakulev

The authority of Alexander Nikolaevich is recognized by the whole medical world. He participated in the international congresses and symposia of surgeons in Italy, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Yugoslavia, is elected by an honorary member of the Serbian, Czechoslovak and Polish medical societies, an honorary doctor of the University of Turin in Italy.

20 years ago, congenital heart defects didom people to a short, painful life of the disabled. The art of surgeons, their searches, research, constant work helped to implement yesterday’s fantasy into today’s reality. And this is the great merit of the pioneer of breast surgery – Alexander Nikolayevich Bakulev.

Alexander Nikolaevich died on March 31, 1967. The fruitful activity of a wonderful scientist is continued by his many students who have become major specialists.