Home ideas

Ventilation is necessary in each room

When people began to erect their homes, they immediately noticed the difference in air in the room and on the street. This is especially noticeable in the cold season, when all possible cracks are recorded to maintain heat. And although the house was warm, breathing in such a room was harder than on the street, especially with a large crowd of people. To solve this issue, small holes began to make in the windows – the windows that opened and closed as needed. Thus, partial cleaning of the room indoors was carried out.

Such ventilation of houses for a long time served as the only way to clean the air in the room. However, this was clearly not enough for many buildings or industrial premises. Many scientists intensively worked on the possibility of creating a special mechanism, with which it was possible to quickly and effectively clear the air. Joint efforts developed the theory of forced ventilation. It remained to invent a special device that appeared in the first half of the 19th century-it was a centrifugal fan.

In the auditorium, ventilation requires a special approach. An accurate calculation is needed, since the halls are far from always filled completely filled. Therefore, the system is installed in this calculation in order to prevent the overrun of electricity, and at the same time work clearly with the full filling of the hall. In addition to the hall, it is necessary to mount the ventilation of other premises of the visual complex. And the Klinvent team successfully copes with this task.