
The paper part of the repair ..

You are a happy owner of a brand new apartment in a new building? Your apartment has nothing but bare walls? The developer called this short -range “Free Planning” and dumped his work on the interior decoration on you?

This is not scary, everything is just beginning! Just from the very beginning you need to be prepared for a large amount of paper (project, design project, approval acts, permission, contract agreement …), in general, before the start of repair in a new building, you need to prepare well. And not only financially.

Let’s start with the most important documents

1. Design project

This is not just an album with beautiful pictures of your future housing – this is its perfect example, reflected on paper and which you need to strive, constantly controlling the contractor. And it would be nice to give him a copy, and let it sign on yours.

2. Project

This is already more serious. If your apartment does not even have walls, then this is the most important document when submitting an application for a BTI passport. Make sure that the one who makes you the project has the appropriate allowance for SRO (self -regulating organization). Otherwise it will be just an unnecessary piece of paper.

A copy of the certificate of the SRO of the organization that made you the project should be applied to the project.

3. Act of coordination of finishing work

Also an important piece of paper. You can get it from the contractor along with the work plan. But it is necessary to envy it either in your HOA or in the management company. To do this, you need to find a responsible person there and make me sign in the act and on the project.

4. Acts of hidden work

In the process of repair in accordance with the project there will be hidden work (waterproofing, noise insulation, etc. D.) These acts must sign a responsible person at the place of production of these works. Namely, the one who signed the “Act of coordination of finishing work”.

Put everything in dad and do not lose. All these are very necessary papers!

What is needed from the contractor:

1. Work agreement

The contract must have a reference to the design project. Necessarily!

Make sure that copies of the SRO certificate (ISO 13485 certificate) are transmitted to the contract.

2. All documents confirming the qualifications and tolerance of the contractor workers

Copy everything and attach to the contract.

Why collect all this? But why:

To receive a BTI passport, they will demand from you:

– Project.

– Act of coordination of finishing work.

– Acts of hidden work.

– Well, all applications.