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The first step to prosperity

Since 2009, the state has canceled the licensing of construction activities, thereby giving the opportunity to develop the construction industry independently, which undoubtedly brought positive results. Indeed, thanks to these changes, there was a significant debit in the construction sector as a whole.

From now on, only those companies and legal entities that have allowed SROs can engage in many construction work. The receipt scheme is much simpler and more convenient to obtain a state moslice. Moreover, membership in the SRO gives many bonuses in the form of increasing the efficiency of work, dynamic development, advanced training of specialists and protecting the rights of companies. Therefore, the primary goal for any competent leader is an entry into the SRO for further admission or certificate of admission to work.

Tolerances are issued for various types of activities in various fields: capacity, design work, engineering surveys and energy surveys.

For members of the SRO, tolerance may be without limiting the deadline and it is valid throughout the Russian Federation.

A package of documents for admission is similar to the papers required to obtain a license. The cost of membership can vary in large limits, as it includes not only directly the costs of receiving a certificate, but also civil liability insurance. Therefore, the leader decides himself how much he is ready to spend, so as not to go beyond his limit.

It will be reasonable to use qualified help when receiving the allowance. The total cost from this will not increase much, and your worries and fuss will be noticeably reduced. Getting the SRO to allow today is the key to confidence in tomorrow and the prosperity of your business.