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Real estate in Moscow is getting cheaper

Rubric: useful | Date: 2013-03-17

Hello, dear readers of the Bloag of Real Estate.  All real estate in the market of Moscow and the Moscow Region recently began to fall in price. At the same time, the dynamics of this is also planned in the area lying to the capital. Of course, you just need to rejoice and catch the moment. This is the most suitable time for profitable investments. What else can pass as a passive income as an apartment or office? Nothing, they will tell you in every real estate agency. VIP clients come to them every day who know the price of money and invest it in housing.  With real estate, you can provide your old age or good future to your child. The main thing is to make the right choice.

Now, apartments in Moscow secondary housing are in great demand. Probably, Vera in the developers staggered a little after a series of scandals or strongly the desire to get an already equipped apartment with a good repair. It is difficult to judge here. Although, the new building in elite areas fly well at their price and the meter.  Well, for this premium product has its own merchant. And the price/quality ratio should not be confused with traditional new buildings in the budget line that stay on a honest word.

With such dynamics, the demand for mortgage lending has intensified. Banks formed their requirements on loans to buy real estate as clearly as possible and simplified the procedure for drawing up a package of documents. You can solve the problem as a whole in a week and pay your contributions monthly with hope in a bright future.