
Real estate in Malta

Malta is a profitable country for foreign investors.Commercial real estate in this country is very popular. This is a small country with a small population. A wonderful combination of the Mediterranean climate and the European way of life. Attractive tax legislation, the lack of crime distinguishes this state favorably from many others. But there are very few land left in Malta. This is a big minus that adversely affects the Maltese market.

But, nevertheless, you can still buy one house in Malta – for summer holidays from workdays, for permanent residence or for any other purposes. The most profitable option is an elite apartment, the price of which is pleasantly surprising.

But the positive moments of Malta can be considered a strategic location, the beauty of landscapes and a pleasant climate, political stability, active, highly qualified labor. Wonderful beaches, excellent cuisine, excellent education system and many others that are not inferior in importance of factors.

which contributes to active interest on the part of investors striving for a quiet life.

What needs to be done to purchase real estate in Malta? First of all, pay for the deposit, in the process of the transaction you will have to incur some very minor expenses, and now, after about three months, you become a happy owner of the desired real estate, for which, by the way, it is not necessary to be a resident of the state, however, with small restrictions: the purchase will have to be purchased to make no cheaper $ 72,000.

But the rise in the economy, government benefits, a profitable tax policy, a soft climate, a soft adequate pricing policy in the real estate market – all this makes Malta an almost exclusive place for buyers and investors.