It has been a long time since the first carpets appeared on the walls and floors of homes, but this method of improving everyday life has not lost its relevance. Carpets in a modern interior have become one of the basic elements.
They serve not only as decoration and a source of warmth for the feet, but also help to build the space of the room.
It is a well-known fact: even the most stylish room has an unfinished look without a carpet and looks empty, suggesting a government office or a museum. Designers advise approaching the choice of a product with all possible seriousness. In order for the purchase to be successful, it is necessary to take into account the interior design and traffic in the room, and also pay attention to the parameters of the carpet.
In fact, carpets in the interior perform one of two functions. An accent carpet attracts attention and enlivens the interior, and a background carpet merges with the interior, muffles its brightness and creates coziness.
Additionally, both options zone, insulate and soundproof the space.