
How to make money at online games

It’s no secret that most advanced gamers have long turned their hobby into a source of income. But do not think that the ordinary user can not do it.

How to make money at online games

In fact, making real money for participation in online games is quite simple. Yes, earnings at first will be low. But after some time, you will be surprised to find that the game currency gradually turns into absolutely real sonorous coins. At the same time, you do not need monetary investments, and you choose the schedule of “work” yourself. All that is from you is a little free time.

Still doubt? In this article, we will consider some simple ways to earn “playful”, both in the direct and figurative sense of the word.

Choosing an online game

There are a great many free online games on the Internet, on which you can earn. Let us dwell on the most popular and world famous.

World of Warcraft

If you like the game-strategy, then you are here.

How to make money at online games

Elves, magicians, trolls and other living creatures inhabit the enormous fantasy-unique. As one of the fairy -tale characters, you will destroy bloodthirsty monsters, stomp the surroundings in search of treasures and fulfill various instructions.

World of Tanks

Team game, tank combat stimulator. In the company of online tank players, you drive on your tank, spectacularly looking for and shooting the enemy disguised tanks.

How to make money at online games

If the speed, excitement and the game in the team are yours, then you can try yourself as a combat crew commander.

Golden clone

Economic online game – virtual model of our society. In it you manage your clone, trying to create a respectable citizen of the virtual state from it. Your clone gets an education, works, even has a work book. Can really get sick, or can even plunge into a criminal story.

How and on what you can earn

Virtual currency sale

Each game is based on the earnings of the game currency. Gold coins, diamonds, tugriks, etc. usually act as virtual money.D. You can earn it on your own – take levels consistently, perform instructions and tasks, chop the heads of monsters and fight on duels. You can buy currency from other online players, or purchase in a special store for real money.

One of the types of earnings in the online game is buying up game currency. There is always demand for it. Buy as cheaper as possible – sell more. For example, World of Tanks tankers make purchases using Gold Game Currency. The average price for 1000 Gold is about 4.5-5 U.e.

How to make money at online games

“Pumping” of the character

Over time, you gradually increase the skills and skills of your character, buy him equipment, reach new levels. But this happens quite slowly, it takes a lot of time and effort. Many players do not have enough patience to wait for so long, so they seek help from professional gamers. There are special Internet communities where for a fee you can “pump” the character to any level, increase his combat skills, skills, profession, etc.D.

You can “pump” the character yourself, and then put it for auction. You can buy a hero cheaper, improve him a little and sell it to one of the newcomers more expensive. On this “slave” market, lively bidding is always conducted – a price range from 5 to 500 U.e. Perhaps much more.

Sale of collections and rare things

Almost every game has rare and valuable objects (artifacts). They can be obtained by making maximum efforts, while spending a lot of time.

How to make money at online games

Some, exceptionally rare artifacts, may not meet you throughout the game, they can only be got through by exchange or purchase from other players. Some players agree to lay out a round amount for the right to have a unique thing. And they pay not virtual money, but whatever. So you can make good money on the sale of caches, maps of secret areas, artifacts and rare collections. Prices depend on the uniqueness of the secret or artifact – from 1 to 50 U.e.

Promotion “Bring to the game of a friend”

You can invite people to the online game by distributing links to game sites. For all those who took advantage of your link and registered in the game, you will receive a reward. You can post links in your blog, on thematic forums or pages of social networks. For attracting one player to the game, the average price is 0.1-0.4 U.e.