
How lighting affects the photograph

Light is the most important component in photography, the main tool in the hands of the photographer, with the help of which he writes his paintings. It is the photographer, not the camera is the creator and artist of photographs. Here, of course, we do not take into account the automatic mode on the camera that many people use, we are talking about artistic shooting, with its history, plot and meaning transmitted in the picture. Translated from ancient Greek photography means light painting, that is, art or light painting technique. Only photographers do not write paintings with a brush, but get them using a camera, which retains the filmed image on a photosensitive matrix.

How lighting affects the photograph

The camera works in such a way that the light, falling on the matrix, designs the shot image and then gives us the result. Lighting in this process plays a paramount role, because the photograph largely depends on the quality, intensity and nature of the light that falls into the lens. It is the photographer that doses the flow of light, he decides how much light it falls on the matrix, changes it, adjusting the camera settings, using reflectors, flashes and the like.

It is necessary to change and adjust the stream of light to the photographer because often removing on the street, sunlight can be too bright and aggressive, and in the evening a situation arises when there is simply not enough, and the frame will turn out too dark with excessive shadows and dark spots. Rising in the room, light is also often not enough, and you have to use flashes, lamps and reflectors, to obtain a harmonious portrait without shadows and dark parts on the face.

How lighting affects the photograph

If a lack of light gets on the matrix, then your picture will turn out to be dark or under -in -law. In subsequent processing when trying to lighten the frame, distortions in the shadows may appear, as well as undesirable noises in the photo. If the situation is the opposite, and there is too much light on the matrix, then the photograph will be too bright, that is, overwhelmed. In this case, when processing in a computer program, to save overweight sections and details of the picture will be even more complicated, so it is necessary to strive for the light that falls on the matrix during the shooting is enough to obtain a good and correct frame. The main thing in working with light when shooting is compliance with the balance and ensuring the correct exhibition in photography.

The stream of light is regulated by the diaphragm and excerpt in the camera. If you have an automatic mode, then the data is averaged, and the average result is issued, but the camera cannot accurately take into account the right amount of light in situations of non -standard, such as, for example, twilight, bright light or ridiculous lighting.

How lighting affects the photograph

The diaphragm is a hole inside the lens, which can open wide and, therefore, there will be a lot of light, and vice versa, there will be very little to open and there will be little light. The aging regulates the flow of light with the time at which the shutter shower opens. Exposure can be short, which will be hundreds and even thousands of seconds, for example 1/500 or 1/1000 and vice versa long, which can reach several minutes.

Accordingly, when the shutter opens for a hundredth of a second, there is little light into the lens, and when the shutter is open 1 minute or longer, then there is a lot of light on the matrix. Long exposures are used for insufficient lighting, for example, in the evening or at night, as well as for special effects in the photo. Short exposures are used in cases where the object moves and it needs to be frozen in the frame, while avoiding lubrication in the picture from movement.