
How to care for a piano properly

The piano is a delicate musical instrument that requires the care of a competent and careful. In order for a musical instrument to always have an excellent appearance and excellent sound, when leaving it, it is necessary to remember the following rules:

The location of the tool

The piano is always put on the wall, leaving a gap of at least 10 centimeters between the tool and the wall. Having installed and set up the piano, it is better not to move it anymore.

How to care for a piano properly

The distance from the central heating battery to a musical instrument should be up to two meters.

Conditions for high -quality sound

There should be no paintings, panels and other wall jewelry over the tool. Their close location can negatively affect the sound extracted from the piano and distort it. It is better to remove or outweigh wall jewelry in advance.

Direct furniture, heavy curtains on the windows, as well as upholstered furniture can also have a negative effect on the sound. The tool on the carpet will make a muffled sound. Therefore, it makes no sense to put it on the carpet. But if it is impossible to avoid this, it is necessary to put hard stands under the legs of the tool.


The temperature in the room where the tool is worth it should be constant from 18 to 22 degrees above zero. And air humidity is 40-50%. Moisture detrimentally affects the tool. Metal parts can be covered with rust, and hammers, absorbing moisture, will not be suitable for work. The polished part of the piano from moisture also becomes unusable.

The tool cannot be placed next to windows, doors, external walls. Otherwise, drafts and straight rays of the Sun will fall on it, which is also destructive for the tool.

How to care for a piano properly

You can put a small size of lavender bags to the bottom of the piano. This will protect from hoping moths, which can also destroy the tool.

Piano setting up

The sound of this musical instrument is based on stretched strings. And they are inherent to get upset. During the first year of use, a new tool must be configured twice. In the future, they set up the tool as they use it, but at least once a year.

When accepting the work from the adjustor, pay special attention to pedal. They should not make a creak and hum. Important sounds should also not be heard, and the hammers should fall into place. If there are no deviations, then the configuration was made accurate.

Elimination of defects

Minor defects can be eliminated with your own hands. When the pedal creak, you need to remove the lower lid and very carefully remove the dust. By pressing the pedals with your hand, you can find out where the creak comes from. This place should be lubricated with graphite lubricant or machine oil (several drops).

If a ringing is heard when clicking on the key, then look for a metal item nearby. Take it away from the piano. The sound will immediately become pure.

Piano cleaning

Cleaning a musical instrument is a mandatory procedure. A vacuum cleaner can be cleaned all accessible places of the tool. In hard -to -reach areas, dust is collected with a soft brush. Internal cleaning must only be entrusted to a professional. Outside, the tool is wiped with a dry and soft cloth. The keys can be cleaned with a slightly damp cloth or detergent for such surfaces. It is necessary to ensure that the water does not fall on the wooden parts of the tool. You can put a cover on the piano to protect it from dust.

How to care for a piano properly

Subject to all the rules of care and a careful attitude to a musical instrument, we can hope that it will caress your hearing for many years with high -quality sounds, and his eyes will be well -groomed and attractive appearance.