
Satellite television in every house

Comfort and rest to the liking in the modern world simply provide. For example, the most pleasant and affordable way to relax is television. There are no restrictions, everyone can choose a film or TV show to their liking, and a wide range of channels and diversity in the choice of television programs will provide satellite television.

One of the popular and proven operators of satellite television in Russia is Tricolor TV. The company’s broadcasting technologies allow you to spread digital television broadcasting in almost all territories of neighboring countries and Russia.

Tricolor reception equipment can be bought at UNISAT on /Trikolor.HTML.

For example, here you can buy a set of tricolor, which includes two receivers, GS700 tablet, Twin converter, antenna and access card with a packet maximum HD for a year. Satellite receiver with a remote receiver of the IR and a subscription to the maximum HD for a month. And if you have outdated equipment, in this store, according to a special promotion, it can be exchanged for the latest receiver. And all this at an affordable price.

“Tricolor TV” offers a connection of about sixty channels, of which 34 standard of the MPEG-2 class standard, federal channels are free, in accordance with the contract, a package of paid channels is provided. A separate package contains a set of channels designed for family viewing, erotic content channels, a channel dedicated to domestic football.

The order in the store for equipment sets can be made according to the standard scheme – the selected product must be placed in the basket and apply. And the manager will clarify all the details after processing the order. Delivery is carried out by courier, using the Russian Post, other methods in Moscow are possible to pick up.

The advantages of television of this format are obvious. The most important thing is access to many channels that can be chosen taking into account your interests and hobbies. Satellite plates are installed in the most remote areas. Watching films in the original will allow you to learn foreign languages. The quality of the digital standard is ideal. Most paid channels do not contain running lines and advertising, which distracts from watching films or programs. Satellite television, contrary to the opinion of most people, does not require large cash costs.

Get satellite antennas, cable, etheric or satellite receiver, television, provide high -quality rest for the whole family.