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Redevelopment in a small -sized apartment

Category: interior and design | Date: 2011-11-25

It’s no secret that every house and apartment have their own energy. Accordingly, the more a person can make changes and diversity to his comfortable house or apartment, the more and richer his ideas about the world will be and are richer.

Although the small area and small financial resources do not represent any obstacle to the path to ensuring that your cozy house acquires not only a comfortable atmosphere, but at the same time becomes unique and individual. A large number of design tips will help you make your small apartment visually a little more without dismantling the walls. The eclecticism is now a very popular move – mixing styles.

To this day, the apartment question will excite the minds of the entire population. In small apartments, it is necessary to save a place. Long shelves along the entire wall do this perfectly. An ideal solution would be the ability to integrate a shelf in a niche, successfully highlighting it. The light decision will successfully help solve the issue of saving a place and visual increase in the area.

For example, in the kitchen you can safely use halogen lamps and lamps of spotlight. The dining room, in turn, can be covered completely. Mirrors play a significant role in the visual increase in the apartment, the main thing is not to overdo it, since proper care is needed behind the mirrors. Windows will also help in visual expansion of the area. The main thing is to correctly develop a design project, given all the little things that.