
Features of the procedure for coordinating the redevelopment of the apartment

Some owners of apartments in order to transform their own housing are limited to simple repairs, replacing old flooring, gluing new wallpapers, installing more functional plumbing. There is a certain category of citizens for whom such actions are not enough – they want cardinal changes. Making changes to the layout allows you to increase the area of ​​a particular room, to arrange a combined bathroom. True, this measure requires the preparation of the project and the subsequent coordination of it in the authorities controlled by such actions. Someone is aimed at doing this independently, but it is much more convenient to entrust the coordination of the redevelopment of the apartment with a specialized bureau, since the solution of such an issue requires an individual approach. The cost of such a service is acceptable for a wide range of people, and it is carried out in a short time.

Features of the procedure

You should immediately make a reservation that it is allowed:

make a dining room by combining a living room with an electrified kitchen;

increase the area of ​​various rooms – such as toilet, corridor, bathroom, any living room;

arrange a combined bathroom.

There are also a number of prohibitions that are described in more detail in DBN. Having planned any of the possible changes, you will need to collect various documentation and provide it with a specialized bureau. In general, the coordination of the redevelopment of the apartment provides for:

the presence of a technical passport;

coordination of the indicated changes by contacting all authorized bodies – you will need to deal with the SES, housing and fire inspection, KGA, IMC;

the need to make changes to the Certificate of OGRP.

After all this, the customer receives final documents and has the right to continue repair work.