

Beautiful picture, embroidery, photography, diploma all that labor was invested and diligence worthy of appropriate frame. The frames can be laconic so as not to distract attention from the plot of the picture, can be pretentious, emphasize the wealth of the surrounding decoration. But the main advantage of the frame is the quality of execution and the quality of the material – the baguette from which the frame is made.

A good baguetmaster will help you choose the style and quality of the baguette directly in the workshop, but if you imagine what type of baguette for what, mostly, is used, communication with the baigtmaster will pass more constructive, and the time of choice will decrease.

Bagets are distinguished by material – wooden, plastic and metal.

1. Plastic is the cheapest material, not affected by temperature and humidity, thanks to modern technologies, you can give any shape and color by analogy with wooden baguettes but it cannot be restored and used for inserts of glass of paintings of a large area.

2. Wood – classic material for baguette: pine is the cheapest material, but the expensive wood of the “Swedish pine” is still used. Ayons – the most popular material, has dense wood and evenly located fibers. Ramin – wood is dense and strong, the fibers are located evenly. High resistance to humidity and temperature change, is not subject to twisting. Ideal material for large -format, fine -profile frames for glass.

3. Aluminum – as a material for the baguette has a number of advantages and disadvantages. Advantages – durable, completely ignores the temperature regime, minimally susceptible to humidity, is quite durable and very light. Ideal for frames in which the contents are often changed.

Disadvantages – a rather high cost, requires special equipment for a baguette workshop.