
How to write articles to promote a site?

The Internet has long ceased to be the sphere of only entertainment. Today, using your own site, forum or blog, you can conduct your own business. Therefore, the question arises: how to promote your resource on the Internet?

If you introduce the phrase “Kyiv website promotion” in any search engine, then you will immediately present many paid services /. But these services will not have the proper effect if the articles you have written are incorrect from the point of view of CEO optimization.

General rules for writing an article to promote a site

As for the general requirements for content, you need to take care to be your material:

Optimal size. Usually 2-3 thousand are enough. symbols. But it is possible and more, depending on the subject of the resource

Not nourished by key phrases. The density of keywords from 2 to 5% is optimal

Structured. Red lines, subtitles and lists significantly help the article in its promotion

In addition, it is necessary to take care of the readability of the text. Often, synonymize is not quoted in search engines.

A big plus for the article will be the use of relevant information. This is especially true: news content, information about laws, political articles, etc. The latest data is always highly appreciated by “search engines”.

What parts of the article to pay attention to?

It is also worth paying attention to the beginning and end of your material. It is here that you should indicate keywords. Because these places are most important for search engines. In the middle of the material, the density of the CS should be small.

As for the links posted in the article, you need to install them also at the beginning and at the end of the text. So you will achieve the optimal link mass.

Despite the apparent simplicity, website promotion is a whole science. And if you write a quality text, then you can comprehend part of this science. It makes no sense to go for deception using copy -paste or synonymizes. After all, in the global network (as in life) you can only win in an honest way.